Venue Details
These images are meant to help you visualize the space SAAF will take place in.
The venue at Wesley Clover Park is used for a variety of events, but largely it is designed to accommodate equestrian competitions. The section that SAAF is going to be in is called the "stabling" area (which is where horses are stabled during equestrian competitions). The entire stabling area and all of the stalls will be refreshed for our event.
The stabling area has several rows of 10'x10' Stalls.
For Set-up Ideas and Stall Measurements, please see the bottom sections of this page.
Please note that stalls may vary slightly in sizes. These measurements are meant more as a guide.
63-1/4" Frame Width (panel adjacent to door)
48" Frame Height (to the first bar)
59" Frame Height (to the second bar)
68" Frame Height (to the third bar)
46" Door Frame Width
1-1/4" (thick) Top Bar on Front Frame
1" (thick) Middle Bar on Front Frame
1-1/4" (thick) First Bar on Side Frames
1-1/2" Top Bar on Side Frames
84" Stall Height (total, to top bar)
78" Stall Height (to first bar)
115" Stall Width (from inside)
115" Stall Depth (from inside)
47" Inside Stall at Highest Point (above total stall height)
30" Inside Stall at Lowest Point (above total stall height)
Set-up Ideas
Get creative with your display!
You can use the front of your booth (and go out up to 6 feet). You may wish to bring a rug for the ground (and wedges as the soil can be uneven). You should also consider bringing a drop cloth, landscape fabric, curtains or any draping you like to cover the walls. Other handy items to have include: chain link (for hanging pieces), shower-curtain-hooks, zip-ties, s-hooks, twine, bungie-cords, grids, tables, table cloths, safety-pins, binder-clips, shelving, and easels.